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  • Фото автораFlyingGrass

Group Info

Обновлено: 2 нояб. 2018 г.

A Mechanicat roleplay group. Currently led by Gui. A never-ending journey of a (Mostly)curious bunch of artificial felines set to investigate, we cross many lands together and gather data about whatever we come across.

Group name probably translates from Latin to English to read "Mechanical Feline", but I joined the words together.

~We are~

▓Always open~ Always accepting more members.

▓Nomadic and semi-mapped~ We don't only sit in one map, we move to public maps and can even move to downloaded maps, but there are a few spots in some official maps(Also one in Sparrow Industries) that serve as camps to retreat to for repairs or safety or resting.

▓Semi-lit+~ Use the style of roleplaying that lacks the star symbols around actions, use quotation marks to denote speech. Length of posts is not a must, because I always come across times when I just can't type a paragraph without plonking in strange descriptions such as which way the tail is wagging. If you make a spelling error that makes the word hard to understand, please correct it.

▓Sited~ Site is a tad bit WIP(And will probably forever be, so check back sometimes), but it contains most of the info about the group. Don't translate the page if the browser asks you to translate the page.

▓Discorded~ We have a Discord server.

▓Plotted, and chapter plotted~ The plot is here. The plot also works in chapters.

▓Semi-Unrealistic~ Go as unrealistic as you want to with your character's design. No blinding neon colors, though, that's why we're semi-unrealistic.

▓Fantasy~ Plot chapters may include fantasy and the unreal sort of magic.

▓Experimenting~ Robots may occasionally be injured and sometimes killed(Never killed without permission though), and you can go into gruesome detail on wounds. If you want, you can form a party chat with those who are closely inspecting your Mechanicat, then describe the wound to them so that the inspecting Mechanicats can alert the group to how serious they think the injuries look.

▓Can be allied and rivalled~ Can have allies/rivals.

▓Loose activity requirement~ Don't abandon the group though. I know there will be times when people have to be away for weeks or even months, but members must tell us before going on hiatus.

▓Tagged~ I think a tag saves curious people from clicking on every mech in the cluster of robots separately just to see if it's a meeting of two different android clans or if it's one clan together. The tag of Mechanicafeles is "MFEL", the leader and Zetas have a bit more in their tag.

▓Semi-ranked~ Think "Warrior Cats" and "Wolf pack" merged together, that's Mechanicafeles' ranking system.

▓Long-term~ Not a temporary group.


❕Allies: Currently none, want to ally?

❗Rivals: Currently none, want to rival?



Character name: Character gender: Kit or full-grown: Do you want a high rank?(If so, state your desired high rank here): Do you acknowledge that, despite them being high-tech robots, no Mechanicat is impervious to damage/malfunction?(Y/N): Is your character not a Mechanicat and would like to be the group's pet?(Y/N): Roleplay sample(Only for high ranks):

We accept one pet, only one pet, but can't have a Mechanicat as a pet.

You may send the application in PM on the FH forum(This forum), or on Mechanicafeles' forum.

If you want to be an ally/rival, let us know in PM, and I'll list your pack as an ally/rival (Whichever you specify).

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