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  • Фото автораFlyingGrass


Обновлено: 24 нояб. 2018 г.

The Mechanicats have developed ranking names in a never-ending mission to set themselves apart from other robots.

There is no limit to the amount of Mechanicats holding a rank, unless a limit is specified.

Nicron refers to either the Patrinicron or Matrinicron unspecifically, "Both Nicron" would refer to both the Patrinicron and Matrinicron. Cron is "Omnicron" shortened.

Patrinicron: Male alpha, helps the female to lead the group, have each other's back. Only one of those.

Matrinicron: Female alpha, helps the male to lead the group, have each other's back. Only one of those.

Omnicron: Next to take the rank of alpha, but must endure harsh treatment purely as a test of determination. Surprisingly, there is no limit to how many of these there can be, and so they must be prepared for a fight if the Nicron are to be replaced, and the medics must also be prepared as the fights can get gruesome. If they gain the rights to battle a Nicron rank, then they will take that Nicron's rank if they beat the Nicron, but they will be punished if they kill the Nicron.

Theta: The old. Usually the ones to pass down what has been learned from mistakes. The age at which Mechanicats become old varies from MechCat to MechCat.

Iota: Medics, in charge of repairing the group's injured comrades.

Tau: The spies, recogniseable by their dark colors for sneaking, though some Taus may deviate from the color scheme.

Xi: Warriors. They fight for the group, and defend the group. They also have the duty of punishing the Rho.

Sigma: High class spellcaster, there can only be one of those in the group at a time. They can cast healing spells, but only when they are at least 9 meters away from a medic or else the healing spell fizzles.

Lambda: Those who have, in any way, obtained the power of casting magic spells. Though due to the nature of the magic, the Lambda will die if they cast a healing spell.

Gamma: The rank for those who have not yet found the rank that suits them, they may be transferred from this rank to whatever rank suits them.

Upsilon: Those who are being taught. The rank is held by young Mechanicats from two days old, to nine days old. They are taught by whoever wants to teach them, there's no appointed mentor unless the group requests for there to be a mentor for a specific kitten they deem important.

Adore: Newborn kittens, from birth to two days old.

Rho: Those who have wronged and are being punished for it.

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